Enemy Skills
1. Frog Song (costs 5 MP to use) Casts sleep and Toad on a single opponent--or cures an ally of Toad. Anywhere you find a frog (they're called Touch Me) you can learn this one--Gongaga is probably the first opportunity you'll have.
2. Level 4 Suicide (10 MP) This spell casts a death sentence and mini on any single opponent whose level is a multiple of 4. You can learn this skill from the little chipmunk like creatures sitting on tree stumps (they're called Mu), they appear at various grassland spots but are most frequently found near the Chocobo Farm and on the grassy plains near Bone Village. See skill 19 below for more info.
3. Magic Hammer (3 MP) This sucks up 100 MP from a single enemy, if the enemy has less than 100 MP then that's all you get. You can use this spell multiple times on a single opponent. If you're fighting some beast with a lot of MP have everyone with this skill cast it until you've reduced the beast's MP to zero. You get this skill from the razor weeds that hang around outside of Wutai.
4. White Wind (34 MP) This skill adds HP to all party members equal to the casters current HP amount. So if the character casting this skill has 612 HP, everyone's HP will be raised by 612. This also cures most status effects (but not stop and slow). You get this skill from the Zemzellet, the giant standing bird-like creature hanging around outside of Junon.
5. Big Guard (56 MP) This is a nice skill that casts Barrier, MBarrier, and Haste on all members of your party. A very nice thing to have at the Battle Arena. You learn this from creatures called Beach Plugs, they're on the beaches near Costa Del Sol.
6. Angel Whisper (50 MP) Completely refills HP and cures most conditions of a single target. It will also revive and fully restore HP of a dead ally. This one is learned from Pollensalita (the woman in the one piece bathing suit) in the final dungeon.
7. Dragon Force (19 MP) Increases magical defense and physical defense during a battle by 50% for one ally. Learn this in the final dungeon from the dark dragon.
8. Death Force (3 MP) Protects a single ally from Death Spells. You learn this from the Adamantai, the turtle-like creature on the beaches around Wutai.
9. Flame Thrower (10 MP) This does a medium amount of Fire-type damage to a single enemy. You learn this one in the Mythril Mines, from the archdragon.
10. Laser (16 MP) Reduces an enemy's HP by 1/2--of course something this nice doesn't work on bosses--heck it doesn't even work on all monsters. You learn this from the Bull Motors in the Corel Prison. It can also be learned from the Dark Dragon in the Final Dungeon.
11. Matra Magic (8 MP) Does some light damage to all enemies. You learn this from the walking machine gun things called custom sweepers, the easiest place to find them is just outside Midgar.
12. Bad Breath (58 MP) This is a nice one--it casts Poison, Sleep, Toad, Mini and Confuse on all opponents. You learn this from the big plant with teeth at Gaea Cliff. This beast also shows up in the Final Dungeon.
13. Beta (35 MP) Does a pretty fair amount of Fire-type damage to all opponents. You learn this from the shadow snake (Midgar Zolom, or Midgarsorm) guarding the entrance to the Mythril Mine close to the Chocobo Farm. This one's a bit tricky because you can't manipulate the snake and he only uses his skill at a certain point in the battle, and before he does this he will always knock a player out of your party so you need to make sure he doesn't knock out the player(s) with the Enemy Skill materia. The snake has 4000 HP and when he gets down to about 1000 HP he kicks one player off the screen and you lose that player until the end of the fight--believe it or not you get to pick who is kicked out, but you have to know the trick. The trick is that the snake kicks out whatever player has done the most damage to him in the battle--so make sure that you attack with players who don't have the enemy skill materia, that way whoever he kicks out won't matter. After kicking out one player the snake will usually make one more physical attack and then use beta on the two remaining players. You have to be careful not to kill the snake before this and be careful not to kill him right after he kicks someone out of the battle--he's weak at that point and if you hit him too hard you'll kill him off and have to do the whole thing over again.
14. Aqualung (34 MP) This does a medium amount of Water-type damage to all opponents. You get this one from the Harpy (horse-bodied creature with 3 different beasts' heads in the Gold Saucer desert--you get to this guy after you get the buggy, just drive around in the desert until you fight him. Jenova-Life will also use this skill on you, but chances are, in that battle, only one player will be able to learn the skill from her since the other two players who have the Enemy Skill materia (it's possible to have 3 at that point) will be dead--maybe you could give all of the Enemy Skill materia to whomever has the water ring--since that's the person who will be alive during the battle--I don't know if that will work. The Serpent in the Crashed Gelnika also uses this enemy skill).
15. Trine (20 MP) This skill unleashes a moderate amount of Lightning-type damage on all opponents. You learn it from the materia keeper in the Nibel Mountains. It can also be learned from a creatured called the Stilva and Gaea Cliff. You should also be able to learn this in the fight with Godo at the Pagoda in Wutai (see Pagoda Battles section below). The stilva also has enemy skill 16.
16. Magic Breath (75 MP) Does a moderate to heavy amount of three types of damage, Lightning, Fire, and Ice to all opponents. You get this one from the Stilva at Gaea Cliff--that's the thing that looks like a crab. The stilva also has the number 15 enemy skill.
17. ???? (3 MP), yes ???? is what it is called! This skill causes damage equal to your max HP minus your current HP to one enemy. You can learn this one from the Jersey in Shinra mansion (those are the things that look like scales) or from the Behemoth at sector 8 in Midgar (I think there are a few other places that this one can be learned). Notice that it's sector 8 in Midgar, and you don't get to sector 8 until you parachute off the highwind so don't waste your time looking for this when you start the game in Midgar because you're not in the right sectors.
18. Goblin Punch (O MP) This does a light amount of typeless damage to one opponent. If the enemy you use this skill upon is at the same level as your character then the damage is increased dramatically! You get this from the goblins on goblin island (see the chocobo breeding section below, part 2, for the location of goblin island).
19. Chocobuckle (3 MP) One enemy takes type-less damage equal to 4 times the number of times he/she has escaped from battle--once your characters reach level 99, however, the chocobuckle only does damage equal to the number of escapes. You learn this from a level 16 chocobo. This is a tough one. You have to have 3 Mimett greens and get into a battle with a level 16 chocobo (the most frequent kind are level 13, so it might take a while to find one). The best place to do this is on the tracks near the chocobo farm. The grasslands around the farm are also the best place to find the Mu creatures that give you the Level 4 suicide skill which you need too. You have to make sure you have learned the Level 4 Suicide enemy skill 1st! You can tell if you have a level 16 chocobo by the other creatures in the battle. If the chocobo is flanked by two blue elephant-like things (they're called Elfadunks) or two ostrich-like things (called Levrikons) you have a level 16 chocobo, if there are any other creatures or combinations of creatures then it's a level 13. When you get into a battle with a level 16 chocobo you have to avoid doing two things--1. Don't hit the chocobo, 2. don't kill the other creatures with the chocobo because it will end the battle and you don't want that. As soon as you get into a battle with the level 16 chocobo go to your item pack and feed it one of the mimett greens (it's a good idea to put the mimett greens at the top of your item pack so that you don't waste time searching for them). After each character has fed the chocobo a mimett green then have the person who knows Level 4 Suicide use it on the chocobo--this will tick him off and cause him to use the chocobuckle on the caster--now you have the chocobuckle skill. Sometimes the chocobo stays around after this, sometimes he doesn't, but it doesn't matter if all you're after is learning the limit skill. Just for a kick, if you use chocobuckle on a chocobo during battle you'll tick him off and make him leave, but he won't attack anyone before leaving.
20. Level 5 death (22 MP) instantly kills all enemies whose levels are multiples of 5. You learn this from the parasite in the final dungeon.
21. Death Sentence (10 MP) This will cast death sentence on an enemy--that's where the enemy will die when the timer above him/her runs out before the battle is over. You can learn this from beasts called the sneaky step and the death spector in the Cave of the Gi. You can also learn this from the plump yellow beasts called Boundfat in Coral Valley (the area between Bone Village and the City of the Ancients".
22. Death Roulette (6 MP) One player will enter a game of chance with one enemy--there's no real game to it, you just choose an opponent and the game decides to kill either you or that opponent instantly. You learn this from the death dealers in the final dungeon. Essentially this is Russian Roulette between you and an enemy.
23. Shadowflare (100 MP) This causes a very huge amount of type-less damage to all enemies. You get it from ULTIMATE WEAPON. You can also get it from the Dragon Zombie.
24. Pandora's Box (110 MP) This lays out a fairly heavy amount of type-less damage to all opponents. You get this from the dragon zombie in the final dungeon.