Chocobo: The first souce of transportation that you will run accross, the chocobo is a great way to get around. You can move 3 times as fast as on foot and encounter no enemies. Unfortunatly, until later in the game, you will lose a chocobo when you dismout it.
Tiny Bronco: This would have been a great way to get around, but it's wing was damaged when Cloud was trying to escape Rocket Town. With it's flying capabilities crippled, the Tiny Bronco is only good for one thing: floating on shallow water.
Submarine: The only way to travel underwater, the submarine is great for all those secrets lurking beneath the water.
The Highwind: It's the only way to travel. Another trademark Final Fantasy airship, the Highwind more than gets the job done with it's beautiful design and built-in chocobo.
SA-37: Found inside the first floor of the Shinra building, the SA-37 is a fast easy to navigate vehicle. It aids Cloud's teamates in the escaping of the Shinra. While Barret and friends drive the SA-37, Cloud has to fend of the Shinra motor bikes to protect his friends while escaping Midgar.
The Buggy: The Buggy comes from Dio at the Gold Saucer after you battle your way from the Gold Saucer desert. The Buggy isn't as useful as the other vehicles, but it can cross shallow waters and other terrains without any problem.
Shinra Motor Bike: This fine motorcycle comes in real handy while trying to again escape the Shinra. While driving this puppy, you must keep the Shinra Bikers from destroying the buggy that your friends are trying to escape in. You must drive across a bridge for mile upon mile while keeping the Shinra off their tail. Your cycling adventure soon comes to a screeching halt upon meeting the large boss at the end of the bridge.
Passenger Train: Using the Shinra Rail-Road System is a major factor in AVALANCHE maneuvering around Midgar to destroy the Mako Reactors. Cloud finds this train a valuable escape tool early on in your adventure. Be aware of the Identification Security System that Shinra Corporation has installed on every train. Get caught by one of these and you will find yourselves up to your neck in Shinra.