
Easy Gil:
Go to the desert outside of the Gold Saucer and walk around for a while. Sooner or later a little Cactus Man will appear. You can't beat him with magic or weapons, but he can be defeated by summoning Chocobos or Mogs. If you manage to kill him he's worth 10,000 gil.

Easy GP:
At the Gold Saucer most attractions require you to have GP. Once you have entered by shuttle, go to the top left-hand corner to the save point. At the house to the right there is a chance that there will be a dark figure. He will sell you 100 GP for 10,000 gil.

More Easy Gil:
In the cave before Sephiroth, there is a room with a bunch of roots around. In this room, you can fight little orange bouncy guys called "Movers". They have fairly low HP, and don't do much damage. But, for defeating them, you get a whopping 90,000 gil.

Lucky 7 fever:
Try to get a character's life to 7777 by Exp. points and switching Materia around. Once this is done the character will go berserk and hit the enemy at 7777 points until the battle is over.

Item Duplicator Trick:
You only need the W-Item Materia. During a battle, have the character with W-item pick a highlighted item that you want to duplicate. Then pick any other item. When the cursor is over a character, press "cancel" and your first item will increase to its original number. Then, press "accept" and then "cancel" over and over until you have 99 of the item.

Easy 2 Mega-Materia:
In the final dungeon when you are prompted to take your party to the left and right path... take your party to the right path thus leaving the rest to go to the left. Follow the path down to the end where you meet up with the rest of the group. You can take the path that leads to where the party went left - do it and collect all the items from the left path. Now return to the group. They will hand over the items that they found on the left path (which are the same items you got).

Tetris Elemental:
South of Cosmo Canyon is an island you can barely or maybe not even see on the world map. But this small little island is filled with Cactrots. Be sure you have the Morph Materia equipped along with a weapon with a good attack%. Go to battle and you will encounter a Cactrot. The Cactrot has 6,000 HP so take off atleast 5,800 to 5,900 damage points, then use Morph on it. If you don't hit him the first time with Morph then just keep on trying because most likely you will hit it with Morph. You now have a Tetris Elemental. Keep on doing this over and over again and you will get this rare relic.

Raise XP and Materia levels quickly:
To raise your XP and Materia levels very quickly, simply go to the town of Junon (The town with the big cannon). Pay the man at the elevator 10 gil to enter. Once you reach the top, go the way that you would go to reach the underwater reactor. When you enter the hallway with the Shinra troops doing the marches led by the man in Red you will see a Red light on the wall. Go up to the light and press the Circle button or X and an alarm will go off. Run around the hallway but do not exit it! You will begin to fight a majority of enemies who are not very hard but will give you large amounts of XP and AP.

Slow down the Slots:
In the battle square when the slot machine is going around to pick your handicap tap Square really fast and the slot will slow down. When fighting bosses, combine Final Attack materia and either Pheonix Summon Materia or a Revive Spell Materia on master level. If you die you resurrect. Great for Sephiroth, Ruby, and Emerald.
When in the Chocobos Race, hold L1+L2+R1+R2 for extra speed and hold R1+R2+X to keep speed up and not lose any stamina. Against the boss Gi Natakk, all you have to do his give HIM an X-potion or a Phoenix Down. This automatically drains all of his HP and you win the battle.

Underwater Cave:
This cheat can be done only once you have acquired the submarine. Board the submarine and go to the sea northeast of the Gold Saucer where the river meets the ocean. Submerge, and you will find yourself in a cave in the bottom of the ocean. You will notice that in the and of the cave there is a crashed airplane. It's Shinra's cargo plane. It's not very big, so search all of it and you will find many items.

Easy EXP and AP:
An easy way to gain EXP and AP is to go to the upper path in the left path of the crater. In here, you will find creatures called Magic Pots. Each Magic Pot is worth 8,000 ep and 1,000 ap. However, there is one catch. If you try to attack them, you will do zero points (physical or magical). They will also say "Gimme Elixir!" So you must give them an Elixir. This will allow you to do damage to them.

Knights of the Round Summon Materia:
To get the Ultimate Materia, you will require a Gold Chocobo. Head North of the island with Goblins on it, to an invisible island that can't be seen on the tiny map, even when it's enlarged! Head into the cave there and the Knights-Of-The-Round Materia is yours! This materia takes a surprising total of 60,000-70,000 HPs off all enemies.